Case History

Window packaging in line thanks to technologies integration

Flexible packaging, with all its possible applications, is today a sector in big growing but specially with potentialities yet to be discovered. One of the most fashionable trends is undoubtedly the one related to the windows of the packages: the consumer loves to see the product inside, and if in the past this possibility was guaranteed from cardboard packagings through some die-cutted windows and with addition of transparent films so to make the contents in spectable (we think for example of pasta packaging) today this opportunity is also possible for flexible packagings and the “stand-up pouches” that are more and more appreciated from the consumers in different sectors, such as: food, pet food, home and personal care.

Thanks to the collaboration between two leading companies in the respective sectors,
a common project was born: Nordmeccanica Super Simplex SL, especially the new Super Simplex SL LDC that has been customized for this application, has been integrated with SEI Laser Pack master OEM CW system and with Croci suction system.
“The market requires this kind of technological integrations and we, as manufacturers, collaborate and work to give concrete answers to our customers’ needs”, says Matteo Maffeis, Sales Manager at SEI Laser for the flexible packaging market.



During the three-days open-house some demonstrations were carried out on printed paper rolls, on which the single-component glue without solvent was first spread, and then continued in the upper part of the machine for the laser cutting and the removal of scraps and finally the lamination with a transparent film and final rewinding.

The most delicate phase is the laser die-cutting of an already coated with glue material and the scraps removal which are coated with glue as well: Croci suction system, internally teflon-coated, prevents waste from adhering to the pipe walls, allowing a proper disposal.
“The whole machine is managed by a remote control system and the technologies
have been appropriately integrated.
Thanks to this configuration, the synchronization of laser-laminator speeds, the register accuracy, the safety functions, the reliability in the scraps removal, are perfectly guaranteed.
The communication protocol guarantees productivity, quality and safety. We are talking about a process that can reach a speed of 316 meters per minute”, adds Ing. Giancarlo Caimmi, Nordmeccanica.
The layout of the die-cutting subject can be imported directly by the operator and the machine is able to manage any file, place it inside the laser work area, and automatically, thanks to a data reader and a rotary encoder, you will have the certainty of repeatability of a laser die cutting with a perfect register.

During the demonstrations of die-cutting and laminating, three subject changes in terms of die-cutting layouts have been made, without stopping the machine, which automatically set its own speed, compatible with the complexity of the die-cutting layout.
“We’ve recorded a strong interest from the customers that participated in large numbers in these three days.
We believe that this integration, directly proposed by the manufacturers, is an absolute novelty in the global market of flexible packaging. We had already installed our laser systems on other laminating machines but on specific request by the final customers.
The collaboration that we made with Nordmeccanica allowed us to present a perfectly integrated and easy to use, easy to
manage and to maintain solution that I’m sure will get a big success because it perfectly answers to the new requests of flexible packaging market”, concludes Matteo Maffeis.


Credits: Converter Magazine

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